Pulse-XS Reference Speaker Cable
Speaker Cable
Unleash the life in each musical performance with the exceptional dynamics of Pulse-XS Reference Speaker Cable. Terminated with Vertere Reference Connectors.
Extraordinary dynamics
Life-like Performance
Pulse-XS Reference Speaker Cable follows the same unique design principles applied to the Pulse range of interconnect cables, only operating at much higher voltages and currents. The Pulse-XS utilises innovative conductor design and signal shielding that make Pulse-XS the unparalleled connection between the amplifier and loudspeaker.
It is designed with both amplifier output and loudspeaker input requirements in mind. Pulse-XS ensures that the amplifier remains in control of the loudspeaker at all times during complex and delicate passages. The extraordinary dynamics, at low as well as high volume levels, help unleash the ‘life’ within the performance.
The insight into the music and life-like performance makes the experience truly remarkable.
Pulse-XS Reference is terminated in proprietary Vertere Reference 7mm Banana, 4mm Banana or Spade connectors. All reference connectors utilise special copper alloy contacts, precision machined and 23.95ct hard gold plated to 5 microns.