Thunder II Sub
The Totem Thunder II Sub’s advanced technology offers a continuous energy flow and musical presence.
Thunder II Sub
Absolute power
Designed for cinema/surround applications where it excels, it performs admirably well as a bass module for stereo or multi-channel audio use.
The Thunder II Sub’s unique front-firing, active driver shares external cone topography, material and features with the two flanking passive units. This offers a more informative and continuous energy flow. The Thunder II intermeshes seamlessly with all Totem products for any tasks where bass augmentation is required.

Design Features
-10” active driver / (2) 10” passive radiators for tremendous dynamics and extension
-Internal crossover offers a seamless blend to our loudspeakers
-Designed for A/V / stereo application
-Detachable power cord and isolation feet included
-Slow burn fuse protection
-Exotic veneer or Design multicoated polyester finishes
Technical Features
-Full mono-shell hand-assembled chassis
-Lock mitered cabinet joints
-Exclusive, 500 watts integrated amplifier
-High-quality drivers and wiring
-Variable gain / phase / frequency adjustments
for pinpoint accuracy